Saturday, February 20, 2010

I was not looking for God before I encountered Him. As a matter of fact I was looking to get a way from Him! I had turned my back on Him, but He kept relentlessly pursuing me.

After running for years, I finally gave in! I turned to Him and invited Him into my heart. Oh how He overwhelmed me with His love! He changed my heart of stone into a heart of flesh. I instantly became a new creation in Christ. Oh what glory, grace and mercy He has for us!

This is how we come to Christ. Let Him come to you. He always takes the initiative. Let Him choose the sin in you that He wants to set you free from. (You know what it is!) He will pursue you, bring revelation to you, ask you for surrender, and fill you with glory. He will mature you.
It is not up to you. Can you trust Him with your life? Can you trust that He will identify the next area of your life that He wants to reveal more of Himself in you.

Where are you struggling? What issue is causing discomfort in your soul? Think back to your salvation experience. How did it occur? Jesus came to you, and you surrendered. You let Him have His way in you. Let go of what you are hanging onto and let God set you free. Trust Him. Obey Him. Jesus said that the decisive issue is wether we obey the Father in heaven.


1 comment:

  1. He is the one who saves....funny how hard we think that it is somehow on our shoulders. Thanks for sharing. Ryan
