Monday, January 18, 2010

Morning Worship

Father I am so happy to be alive today. I love that I get to know you. My future is bright because you sent your son to set me free from the sin that held me captive. Now your Spirit lives in me. Oh what an awesome God we serve!

The Spirit of the Living God is doing amazing things in the earth today. The planet has come into a new time, a new season, and our changeless God is doing a new thing. When I became a christian 30 years ago, speaking in tounges was the hot topic. Many embraced it and many fought against it. Today for the most part, in the circles I live my life in, the gift of tongues is generally accepted as a given, a gift available from God that we can appropriate at will. But there was much misunderstanding way back when. Today, God seems to be moving in a new way on human flesh, overwhelming people with His Spirit and we are seeing manifestations that blow our natural mind. Many of us are uncomfortable watching these manifestations in others, but are also experiencing them in ourselves. How do we reconcile this quandry? We must embrace what the Spirit is doing! We must search the Word for confirmation of truth. The enemy will counterfeit what God is doing to bring disruption, confusion, and disgrace. God can handle all that. He took the fall for our sin, and he also takes the blame for all the lame things the people who call on His Name do in His Name even if they blow it! Trust God. Fall in love with Him every day. The love of God is so great. He will have His way in the earth. You can choose to move with Him or resist Him. Choose to obey and move with the Spirit of God today!

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